Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New World Order

Not Just A Jay-Z Line
The concept and belief of a "New World Order" stretches far and deep into the history or mankind. The very idea is thought to come from the group thought to exist, known as, the Illuminati. The goal of New World Order comes from their want to get rid of the governmental boundaries and lower the population by 5.5 billion people. Their idea is to rule the world with one set of hierarchy folk.  This conspiracy is really a conspiracy inside of a conspiracy so trying to follow this idea can be a bit tricky.

However, although this is a conspiracy inside of a conspiracy, the signs are there that this plan really does exist. Not only the plan but perhaps the group known as the Illuminati. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

President George H. W. Bush when he referred to his "dream of a New World Order" in his speech to the United States Congress on September 11, 1990, and second by David Rockefeller in a statement to the United Nations Business Council in September 1994, sometimes cited as evidence that the New World Order had a motive for carrying out the September 11, 2001, attacks:
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

History goes back to the accusation of the plan being responsible for the Federal Reserve Act which took place in 1913 here in the United States of America. They are also believe to be the backing of the Bolshevik Rebellion, and the uprising of the Nazi Party in Germany before World War 2.

The only plausible idea for a center of operations, at least for the western hemisphere, is believe to be at the location of the Denver International Airport. The reasoning for this belief is the irrationally large airport for the amount of traffic coming in and out of the airport, the strange paintings and architecture referring to destruction of cities, and the large network of underground establishments. The belief is that underground the airport is an enormous city, which is the capital of the New World Order of the Western Hemisphere.

The facts are there but like anything else so is the doubt. Once again I leave it up to you the common population to decide whether or not you believe this to be true.

Works Cited

"The New World Order, an Overview." Educate-Yourself.org:The Freedom of Knowledge; The Power of Thought. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/>.
funding. "WW3 - What is the New World Order (NWO)?." WW3: How Will World War Three Affect You? Learn How To Prepare - Free Newsletter. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm>.
nydailynews.com, Lars-Erik Nelson (1999-01-04).. "List of conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories>.
Source One: This source is a common starting ground for all and future conspiracies that I shall search, find new meaning, and hopefully uncover the truth about. This site gives me a basic overview and mild description about the topic that I search for. It gives me a good basis to go off and find new details about. The relevance of this source is clear it clearly pertains to my topic and what I want to search and learn more about. 
Source Two: This a source I found by using Google. The source gives more details on the entire plan of  New World Order. It gives myself background of the plan and where it all came from as well as current origins and government/cities that are in place. The relevance of this source is also clear, it gives me everything i need in order to provide the people with the knowledge of the workings and what exactly it is thats going on with New World Order
Source Three: The third and final source is very much so like the second. It gives me excessive details on the New World Order and exactly what the Illuminati is up to. Its basing and what the website started as is what could possibly cause world war three. The relevance of this site is somewhat cloudy, it talks about New World Order and the Illuminati but more on the idea of world war three. However this source talks about how the Illuminati and New World Order could cause world war three.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Deal With A Devil

The Book of Grimoire
Otherwise known as The Red Dragon or The Gospel of Satan, The Book of Grimoire has magical and sinister but more specifically insidious intentions. Theorists claim that it was written in the year 1522 but the book may have originated in the 18th century. In all actuality the truth behind the original book is hidden from view with possibilities of the book being written in the 1200's or maybe even earlier and then copied in the year 1522.

The earliest proof comes from the man, Honorius of Thebes, a man who may have in fact been Pope Honorius III. Theory states that Honorius was in fact either possessed by the Devil or the Devil himself. Being of the Devil or the Devil himself he then wrote the Sworn Book of Honorious. The book itself has various contents but all of which are pertaining to the supernatural. The subjects that are most focused upon are black magic, summoning the Devil and the summoning of other demons. 

According to theorists, the actual summoning of any sort of being, devil or demon, requires a ritual of some sort. However, the book is the only kind of which any summoning can occur. Any other, whether it be replicate or another book entirely, the act of summoning will fail. In fact this book is so powerful it is supernatural itself. The book is supposed to be one-hundred percent resistant of burning, cannot be cut, pages be torn, or accumulate any other kind of damage in any sort of way.

The very idea of the book existing has recently become a reality. The book has had its ownership claimed by the Roman Catholic Church. The book itself has never gone public, or at least for viewing or especially reading.  The only reason the believe their ownership of the book is by sheer trust. However like always I leave the decision upon you, the public. Does the book really exist, is it in the ownership of the church, and does its contents really do and are actually what are theorized to be said? Until next time.

"10 More Mysterious Conspiracy Theories." Top 10 Lists - Listverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <http://listverse.com/2011/10/15/10-more-mysterious-conspiracy-theories/>.
Lactantius, many ancient historians., who lived in the 3rd century AD, said that the unknown was the Sibyl of Cumae, a priestess of Apollo, and who had. "The most mysterious books of all time, page 1." AboveTopSecret.com - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Political Madness, and other "Alternative Topics". N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread766290/pg1>.
"Top 10 Most Significant Historical Grimoire." toptenz.net. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-most-significant-historical-grimoire.php>.
Source One: The first source gave a description of 10 different mysterious conspiracy theories, one of with was The Book of Grimoire. This particular site gave a very detailed description giving me good details on which to provide a more descriptive summary on The book of Grimoire. Thankfully it gave information on its whereabouts.
                  The relevance of this source is clear, it gives a description on The Book of Grimoire. It provides details, good summary, and is somewhat reliable given the amount of hits on the site.
Source Two: My second source is about the same as the first source. It provides an extremely detailed summary on the theoretical existence of The Book of Grimoire. It also provides comments for approval or denial of the theories listed. Therefore it gives me a more trustworthy feel for a conspiracy.
                  The relevance of the source is also still very clear. The site clearly gives details on the topic i chose to write about, It gives details and talks about more specifically about The Book of Grimoire.
Source Three: My third and final source is like the preceding two, a summary of the topic, The Book of Grimoire,  Although it is less detailed and probably the least of reliable sources,  it did the job. It gave me different aspects or views on The Book of Grimoire. So obviously, the reasoning is clear.
                  The relevance of my source is also extremely clear. It gives me knowledge, few details, but mostly just a general summary of what The Book of Grimoire was all about.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Secret Full of Secrets

The President's Book of Secrets
Brought to fame recently by the Hollywood film National Treasure: Book of Secrets , the book as a theory has been around for years and years. The president's book of secrets is a conspirator's wet dream, a conspiracy containing even more conspiracies. Granted some of the theories are bit ridiculous and when taking a realistic look at them its obvious they can not be true.However, there are rumored to contain the truth about the Apollo missions, extra-terrestrial life, and even the truth about events not even taken place yet. 

Everything all started way back before we had even completed the Revolutionary War when George Washington began the book. From then on each president has read, added to the book, and eventually passed down the book to the next president. The only two people on earth who know the location of the book is the current president and the National Librarian of Congress. The only reason the National Librarian of Congress knows of its existence and location is due to the possibility of assassination of the president. 

The top ten secrets of the book (According to Yahoo writer) are as follows..
1. The Lincoln Memorial is actually made of gold.
2. If tie in Supreme Court Ruling, President takes White House Seal and flips as coin.
3. Missing eight minutes of Watergate Films
4.Celebrity witness protection program between US and Canada
5.Stockpile of Spam inside Hoover Dam
6.The British Royal Family are clones
7.Truth behind the Apollo Program
8.Mer-People caught in footage of BP Oil Spill
9.Hilary Clinton served as De Facto President
10.American Royal Family

The Book of Secrets: Hollywood Style
In 2007, the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets was released to the world. The story goes that Benjamin Franklin Gates, a famous treasure hunter, seeks the lost city of gold. In his search he must peek into the president's book of secrets to learn of the city's location. 

While flipping through the pages actor Nicholas Cage glimpses at pages on the Kennedy Assassination, Area 51, Watergate, and etc. Also incorporated into the film was the rumor regarding the National Librarian of Congress. Nicholas Cage travels to the actual Library of Congress to get the book.

Overall, like any other conspiracy theory, even though this one could end up revealing other conspiracy theories, it remains to be proven or dis proven. The only way we will ever find out if its real is if the president come outs with proof of the book existing. So for now I leave it up to you, the general public.

Works Cited
"10 More Mysterious Conspiracy Theories." Top 10 Lists - Listverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <http://listverse.com/2011/10/15/10-more-mysterious-conspiracy-theories/>.
"National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) - IMDb." The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465234/>.
"Top Ten Surprises in the President's Book of Secrets - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com." Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <http://voices.yahoo.com/top-ten-surprises-presidents-book-secrets-6423642.html?cat=60>.
Source One: This source of mine listed the top ten conspiracies known to the world. I found this source by doing a simple google source and after reading this source I knew where to look for more sources. It gives a very brief description of the conspiracies it lists.
                 The relevance of the source to my topic is it allows me to gain a brief all be it informative basis for my research. It also allows me to have a place to start for future topics as it gives a description for not just one but ten conspiracies theories. It gave me topics that might be included in the president's book allowing me to continue  my research even further.
Source Two: This source gave me the reasoning for the inclusion of the presidents book inside the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets. It also gave me where the location of the book was in the movie, how it was found, what was contained in the book and its importance to the treasure hunt. 
                  The relevance for this source is although it be fake it pertains to the topic quite clearly. It provides a more broadly entertaining feel to my topic as well as exposing some factual information about the conspiracy. 
Source Three:  My third source is a personal experience or thought process of and pertaining the book of secrets. It gives insight to a writers mind and his beliefs about the contents of the presidents book of secrets. It is a newspaper article posted on Yahoo which is a highly frequented website online.
                  The relevance to my topic is similar to all three sources. Like the rest of the three, it gives what insight you can salvage about this topic from one persons perspective. This particular one gives a top ten list to compare to my other list i have found and decide which ones are more thought to be inside the book of secrets.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What Really Happened On November 22, 1963

The John F. Kennedy Assassination
As you may already know, there has always been a certain iffy-ness surrounding the assassination of our former president, John F. Kennedy. The president was shot while taking part in a parade with Texas Governor, John Connely, sitting in a convertible. Speculation began shortly after when the assassin was shot and killed by a random night club owner the night after the president's assassination. Clouds of doubt built within the general population about whether there was a government cover-up along with the aid of the FBI/CIA. Doubts also increased when autopsy reports were released and it was concluded that it was physically impossible for Oswald, the arraigned assassin, to have shot the president as he did from the angle of which the Warren Commission said happened. 


If you had the stomach to watch the video and see for yourself what happened, you might be able to glimpse the blur of multiple projectiles. If you ask me I completely believe the conspiracy of multiple shooters. This theory is the most popular and according to shooters at US Marine Sniper School, Oswald could not have acted alone. They have attempted to recreate the situation but simply could not perform the hit with the exact same outcome. Other evidence includes the amount of bullets and where they ended up inside of the governor, the president, and an FBI lead car. The last solid piece of evidence that "proves" multiple shooters is the fact that the presidents body lurches forward due to a bullet, or perhaps bullets, hitting him from the front. There was no real defense against this aspect of the murder but seemed to have been completely forgotten or pushed to the side when deciding if a conspiracy was fault for the assassination. 

Other conspiracies have been brought up throughout the years since his assassination many come and go but some do tend to stick around and make us go "Huh" and ponder what if that could actually be true. Many people wanted to see Kennedy go down. 

Here is a list of the top suspects who could have been behind the assassination.
  1. Lyndon Johnson
  2. The C.I.A
  3. J. Edgar Hoover
  4. H. L. Hunt
  5. The Mafia
  6. Anti-Castro Cubans
  7. General Edward Lansdale
  8. Richard Nixon
All of these suspects had legitimate reasons to see the president die. Whether these reason immediately increased their power, gave them the upper hand in an upcoming political race, or simply gave them some kind of sick satisfaction knowing that JFK was gone.

For all purposes I myself do believe that John F. Kennedy was set up.Whether there was some kind of existing agreement between two parties or simply someone on the inside, being american, wanted him gone, evidence was clearly pushed aside with intent to have this become a part of history quietly. 

In conclusion, I will leave it up to you, the general population who has enough interest to view this blog. Upon revisiting the home page, there will be a poll. I request your opinion on the matter of whether this assassination was purely by random or was set up by agencies worldwide with assistance by the american government or solely on the american government.

For now the real answer remains:


Work Cited

Herman, Douglas. "Count the Bullets: Blow Away All Arguments | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty." Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <http://www.strike-the-root.com/51/herman/herman16.html>.
count, one, 35 witnesses, behind the President, and 5 witnesses thought that the shots came from two directions.. "John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_assassination_conspiracy_theories>.
testimony, an unchecked military-industrial complex. There is sworn, and from one. "Suspects in the JFK Assassination." Kenneth A. Rahn's Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <http://www.kenrahn.com/jfk/the_critics/griffith/Suspects.html>.

Source One: This source was located by doing a Google search on the shooting of JFK. When read, you come across quotations from a former United States marine sniper, who now trains at the United States Marine Sniper Training Program, saying that when recreating the hit, the assassination could not be created by a marksman of sniper caliber while the hit was done by a random guy. Supposedly. This has extreme relevance when pertaining to my topic due to the fact that his finding clearly negates the findings done by the Warren Commission. So either his sniper certification needs to be revoked or the Warren Commission was not telling the truth to begin with.
Source Two: This source was located by doing a Google search on the theory of multiple shooters on the assassination of JFK. When watching footage of the assassination, you can see multiple projectiles flying towards the target. The Warren Commission stated that there was only one possibility in the shooting of John F. Kennedy and that it was done by Oswald. This source also gives a list of the possible suspects at to who would have wanted him to die. The relevance of this source is consistent with the first source, being one that gives evidence against the Warren Commission's findings. The evidence continues to stack up against the Warren Commission and brings up the question of whether or not the Warren Commission was in on the cover up of the assassination or whether they were run by a bunch of idiots. ;)
Source Three: This was where i started my research on the John F. Kennedy assassination and I found it as a very informative by detail lacking generalization of the assassination. It gave me more insight on what actually happened, how it happened, and possibilities of why it happened. It led me to think and ponder on the subject and gave me motivation to go and learn more on certain details of the assassination. The relevance is clear because every person who seeks out information must start his or her research somewhere and Wikipedia although may not always be one-hundred percent trustworthy, the site provides its sources, giving  you another place to gain knowledge.